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Road of Recovery of a Female Player

  • 40Weeks
  • 60Steps


I would like to discuss my journey of breaking free from what felt like a never-ending cycle of addiction to men. I want to share my deeply personal story. You correctly understood what was said. I was addicted to the pleasure I derived from relationships and the validation I sought from men, both of which originated from external sources. Addiction can manifest in various ways. For quite some time, I felt as though I was trapped in a pattern, similar to a bird whose wings had been clipped, preventing it from soaring freely. Nevertheless, as the saying goes, "every journey starts with a single step." In my case, that initial step involved recognizing my addiction and building the courage to overcome it. My Personal Experience: Imagine the following scenario: I found myself as a ship adrift in the vast ocean, yearning for love and acceptance with every wave that crossed my path. The irresistible allure of relationships eventually became a drug for me. I would eagerly dive into each opportunity, hoping that this time would bring a change; that this time, I would finally find what I have been searching for. The exhilaration of forming a new connection would wash over me like a wave, and for a brief moment, I would feel a profound sense of vitality and fulfillment. However, after the intense rush of emotions subsided, I often found myself feeling stranded on the shore, broken, and longing for something more.

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The Way of the Wise Owl is a nonprofit business that provide Life Coaching services. As a Master Life Coach, I specialized in the following topics: forgiveness, happiness, mindfulness, goal success, re writing your life story, life purpose, spirituality, confidence, mindset, self-care. 

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