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10 Steps of Creating a Morning Practice for Peace and Mindfulness

Updated: Nov 8, 2023

A mindfulness practice can help you stay calm throughout the day. This work guides you through a thorough mind-body mindful morning practice step-by-step. This will help you wake up calm and attentive.

Set aside 35–45 minutes (you can tweak this).

The following must be present: clothes most comfortable; a peaceful location; a yoga mat or similar surface.

STEP 1: wake up slowly and completely.

1. Set your alarm to play a lullaby or calming music to start the day.

2. Don't get out of bed when you wake up. Instead, lie still and focus on your body and surroundings.

STEP 2: Breathe mindfully and listen to your body.

1. Find comfortable floor seating or sit up on your bed.

2. Close your eyes, relax your shoulders, and take several long, slowly breaths via your nostrils.

3. Release stress by gently exhaling through your mouth.

4. Put your hands on your stomach and take a few deep breaths, seeing your stomach rise and fall.

5. Close your hands to your chest until you can feel your ribs extending and contracting with each breath.

STEP 3: Mindfully stretch.

1. Standing tall and stretching your arms upward stretches your body vertically. Focus on your muscles waking up.

2. Slowly examine your entire physique from your feet up. If you experience tightness or pain, find the source and stretch or move it.

3. Do gentle, focused stretches like reaching for your toes or moderate neck rolls and focus on the sensations.

STEP 4: Nourish your body with water and good meals.

1. Make lemon-infused herbal tea or warm water.

2. Take a sip and feel the beverage's warmth, taste, and nourishment.

3. Relax and focus on rehydrating your body, which is simple.

STEP 5: Involves meditation and creative imagery to relax.

1. Sit comfortably on your yoga mat or cushion.

2. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Feel your body's airflow.

3. Envision infusing peace, positivity, and energy into your body with every inhale and exhale. Release anxiety, worry, and other bad feelings as you exhale.

4. Imagine yourself on a beach, forest, or remote area and let your mind roam. Imagine yourself in these peaceful surroundings and focus on your feelings and impressions.

STEP 6: Mindful Affirmations

1. Choose a few positive affirmations that resonate and use them. These may be linked to self-love, peace, or gratitude.

2. Say each affirmation slowly and deliberately to let them sink in and inspire happy feelings.

STEP 7: Set daily goals.

1. Put your assignment on hold and think about tomorrow. Your personal goals, obligations, and responsibilities?

2. Focus on a few goals for today. Start with productivity, kindness, patience, or any other virtue you want to develop.

3, say these goals aloud to remind yourself to live mindfully.

STEP 8: Keeping an appreciation journal.

1. Start with a thankfulness diary or blank paper.

2. List the three things you're grateful for now and add them to it. This could refer to a time, person, or life event.

3. Feel thankfulness and positive emotions while writing.

STEP 9: Moving Mindfully

1.Practice gentle yoga or stretching with slow, deliberate actions to stimulate your body and increase awareness.

2.Focus on your bodily feelings and be present as you proceed through each pose.

STEP 10: Review the entire method.

1. Relax in your customary place, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths.

2. Consider what you learned from your morning reflection. Assess your mental, emotional, and physical state.

3. Start each day by centering yourself and focusing on the present.

Practicing mindfulness daily boosts mood, productivity, health, and happiness. Following these techniques to start each day with mindfulness may bring tranquility and presence to your entire being.

I invite you to join my Life Coaching program if you're ready to start making positive changes in your life. We'll talk about things like forgiveness, happiness, empowerment, and more, all of which may play a role in helping you reframe your life and find your true calling. Don't be shy; Way of the Wise Owl is a non-profit organization, and your consultation with us will cost you nothing. Let's cross our fingers and hope for a speedy response.

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