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An Empowering Triumph: I Overcame Domestic Violence.

Domestic violence is a disturbing and all too common phenomenon, and it may affect people from many walks of life. Intimate partner or family member harms another via a range of abusive methods, including physical, emotional, and psychological harm. Despite the fact that survivors of domestic abuse may overcome their ordeals with hard work, introspection, and a commitment to healing, their experiences are typically devastating. In this narrative, I will share my experience of overcoming domestic violence. I'll also explain what domestic abuse is and share some of the exercises and affirmations that helped me get well.

Within the context of this discussion, the term "domestic violence" refers to a pattern of abusive actions that are intended to obtain authority and control over another individual within the context of a romantic or intimate relationship. Assault, verbal or emotional abuse, financial control, sexual coercion, and social exclusion are all potential manifestations. Domestic violence leaves more than just visible scars; it may also damage a person's sense of self-worth, trust in others, and confidence in one's own ability to make decisions and exercise agency. In order to break away from domestic violence and start down the road to rehabilitation and repair, it is crucial to be able to recognize the warning signals.

The use of one's own inner strength, the support of others, and activities that promote healing are all part of a multifaceted approach to overcoming domestic abuse. Some strategies that helped me cope throughout my rehabilitation are as follows:

1. Creating Boundaries In order to reclaim my personal space and prove my agency, it was crucial that I set firm boundaries. Speaking out about what I wanted and what I wouldn't tolerate helped me feel like I was back in charge of my life again. In the near future, I will be adding additional information regarding boundaries, toxicity in relationships and people pleaser disorder to my website.

2. Seeking Expert Advice Experts like therapists and counselors provided me with a safe space to explore my emotions, work through my painful experiences, and practice new coping skills.

3. Building Community Resources Having friends, relatives, and members of support groups who understood what I was going through were invaluable. Sharing my story and hearing the experiences of others made me feel like I had a place in the world and served as a useful reminder that I was not alone on my journey.

4. Self-Care that is Engaged in Consistently Prioritizing self-care has allowed me to take better care of my mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Working out, meditating, expressing myself creatively, and contemplating life's meaning all helped me feel better about myself and restore my inner peace.

5. After learning more about domestic violence, its root causes, and the societal aspects that lead to its continuance, I was able to accept that the abuse was never my fault and take control of my life. The seminars I attended and the books I read gave me the knowledge and tools I needed to free myself from the cycle of abuse.

Journal Prompts

Writing in a journal was a very helpful ritual for me throughout my rehabilitation. The following are some reflective and therapeutic journaling prompts to consider using:

1. Take note of your experience and write about the highs and lows you encountered on your road to wellness. How have you grown and changed since leaving the abusive relationship?

2. Acknowledge your own power by recalling times when you persevered in the face of hardship. Where did you get the will to keep going when all else seemed hopeless?

3. Identify what brings up painful memories of the abuse and what patterns of conduct you've seen in yourself. How do you get beyond these barriers and stop repeating negative behaviors? How would you go about achieving this goal?

4. Celebrate your successes and establish a log of all the milestones you've hit since leaving the abusive relationship. How have your successes aided in your road to recovery and development as a person?

5. Consider the steps you made to rediscover your true self as you reclaim your identity. If you remove the context of the abusive relationship, who are you? What traits and aspirations best characterize you at this time?


Here are some affirmations that helped me get back on my feet and start rebuilding my life. Affirmations are strong words and phrases that may alter one's outlook and boost confidence.

1. I am worthy of being loved and respected, and I deserve a life free from abuse.

2. By releasing my attachment to my past's pain, I make room in my heart for a future filled with joy and peace.

3. Despite my struggles, I am strong, capable of making a comeback, and resilient.

4. I am entitled to express my thoughts, feelings, and boundaries, and my opinion counts. It is also within my legal rights to do so.

5. I am deserving of positive, loving relationships that strengthen and uplift me.


My journey from victim to survivor of domestic violence has been one of perseverance, self-examination, and maturation. Through learning about domestic violence, trying new healthy coping methods, responding to writing prompts, and repeating positive affirmations, I was able to reclaim my life and rekindle my optimism. My deepest hope is that by sharing my experience, I can inspire others who are going through something similar to know that they, too, can overcome domestic abuse and begin a path toward healing, empowerment, and independence. Never forget that you have the support of friends and family, and that you will find the fortitude to persevere until you reach the other side.

I invite you to join my Life Coaching program if you're ready to start making positive changes in your life. We'll talk about things like forgiveness, happiness, empowerment, and more, all of which may play a role in helping you reframe your life and find your true calling. Don't be shy; Way of the Wise Owl is a non-profit organization, and your consultation with us will cost you nothing. Let's cross our fingers and hope for a speedy response.

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— The Way of the Wise Owl by Dagmarie Daniels

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