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Breaking Habit - Quit Smoking Day 7

Don't let life be destroyed by yourself and start Breathing healthily, live happily.

Today is day number 7 of my quitting smoking, but is day 3 smoke-free. Lets talk about my symptoms today

Physical Symptoms; headache, shaky, bigger apatite, tired. Breathing-I started to feel much better

Emotional Symptoms; anxious, grumpy

Here are some tips that I've found useful thus far. You must be persistent and monitor your hunger since quitting smoking causes you to gain weight. If you feel the want to eat, sip water to fill your stomach. When it's time to eat, it's important to make informed dietary decisions. You can really benefit from having healthy snacks. See Day 8 for some useful advice.

Tip #1 - Determine your motivation To rephrase it in another way, you need to identify your reason for stopping. You need a compelling, personal motivation to give up in order to become motivated to quit. It can be to keep your family safe from passive smoking. may lessen your risk of developing heart disease, lung cancer, or other diseases. also, to feel and appear younger. Pick a justification that is compelling enough to overcome the desire to light up.

Tip #2 - Get Ready Before Going "Cold Turkey"

It involves more than just throwing away your smokes. Addiction is what smoking is. Nicotine addiction exists in the brain. Without it, withdrawal symptoms will set in. Set up assistance in advance. You must prepare a quit plan in advance. If you feel it is essential, speak with your doctor about any methods, medications, or other procedures that might aid you in this. The day you decide to stop working, you'll be prepared

  • The website been so helpful, especially creating the Quit Plan and texting help. The texting help, is about receiving text message with inspirations to keep been smoke free.

  • Check this links for more information about Smoking:

Tip #3 - Think about using a therapy that replaces nicotine.

Nicotine withdrawal can cause fatigue, irritability, and headaches when you quit smoking. The urge to just have one puff get stronger and it makes it difficult. using nicotine replacement therapy will help you reducing these impulses. According to studies, using nicotine patches, gum, or lozenges while concurrently participating in a quit-smoking program increases your chances of success.

I tried a 14 milligram (mg) patch on Thursday, day two of my journey, and it didn't work out so well. However, it wasn't really down to the patch itself but rather to the fact that I continued smoking while wearing it; if you're going to use a nicotine replacement, you can't also be smoking. Day 8 of my journey is when I'm writing this, and the headache has somewhat subsided. The most crucial factor you should take into account is your willpower.

Tip #4 - The Support of Family and Friends is Essential

Share your intention to quit with those closest to you. When you're tempted to light up, they might motivate you to stay strong. You might seek counseling or join a support group. A form of psychotherapy called behavioral therapy aids in identifying and maintaining quitting smoking solutions. A few sessions could be helpful.


Tip #5 - Let Yourself Off the Hook

The soothing effects of nicotine are a major draw for smokers. You'll need new methods to relax after quitting. There are a lot of choices. To relieve stress, you can work out, listen to your favorite tunes, build friendships, get a massage, or schedule time for a hobby. Within the first few seven days after quitting smoking, try to stay away from stressful situations.

Tip #6 - Keep in Mind That Time Is Working in Your Favor

You begin to experience instant health advantages as you quit smoking. Your heart rate will come normal only 20 minutes after you quit. Your blood's carbon monoxide level returns to normal within a day as well. Your risk of suffering a heart attack will start to decline in as little as two to three weeks. Long-term, you'll also reduce your risk of developing lung cancer and other malignancies.

Tip #7 - You been Doing Great - It's time to Reward yourself

As if the health benefits of quitting smoking weren't enough, think of how much cash you'll save as a side effect. Spend some of the money you are saving on a pleasurable activity as a reward to yourself.

Never forget that your own determination is your greatest asset, and avoid being in situations where you could be tempted to give in to cravings. You may use this website to schedule a free discovery call if you need help creating objectives. Since we are a nonprofit organization, helping you achieve where you want to go is our first focus.

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— The Way of the Wise Owl by Dagmarie Daniels

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