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Destination: Independence from the Chains of Self-Sabotage

There is a troubled spirit down there, down in the shadows where fear and doubt have set up camp.

Those who struggle to break free from the bonds of their own destructive behavior are fascinating to study.

The first step of the journey is the hardest: taking off the chains and the mask.

The burdened heart longs to be released from the self-hatred that has taken up residence in its own soul as a result of one's previous mistakes.

The only option for the traveler to reach their destination is to risk breaking the chain one link at a time.

As the clouds close in on them, they fight the elements and navigate their way through a mountainous and rocky landscape.

In order to confront the ghosts and the demons, the first thing done was a leap of faith.

The process of gradually revealing one's actual self through the uncovering of past hurts and resentments.

The mirror image betrays the truth by exposing a degree of exposed vulnerability as well as a story that has not been shared with the general public just yet.

Souls need to go through their darkest nights ever in order to shine a light on their darkness and recover their rights.

Each new day is a chance to start fresh and recommit to whatever it is that you want to achieve.

In the end, they come out of the shadows with wide eyes and continue on their journey of self-discovery.

But challenges present themselves, questions remain, and the inner critic keeps shouting.

Like a reliable companion, the threat of sabotage is always there.

However, they have an indomitable will to succeed and refuse to give up.

They take their time winding through their own web of deception, but they keep their sights set on the eventual goal the whole while.

They were guided through the deepest part of the night by bright points of hope, which were like stars.

They are able to find peace away from the broken dreams that torment them, allowing them to start over and discover who they truly are.

It was said and done in a way that was sincere and kind.

A present to themselves and a major step forward on their path.

Their past is irrelevant to their present, and they have accepted and even grown to enjoy their own shortcomings. They can't let their past determine their future.

They are reborn and full of heavenly delight as they climb out of the hole they built for themselves via destructive actions.

Now that they've gotten high enough, they can fly with their wings totally spread.

The load of self-doubt has been lifted.

As they dance through life, released from the despair that had haunted them before, a music of self-love fills the air.

The trip is ended, but it's impossible to arrive at a final destination.

A lifelong path that leads to one's ultimate destination (if one so chooses).

They learn the grace and freedom that lasts eternally when they perform acts of self-sabotage and finally reach the embrace of release.

The narrative arc that was established throughout pattern creation includes a rebirth myth.

A living demonstration of the strength and perseverance that define human value.

What they've done is the culmination of their journey, and it's been dubbed "Breaking Chains" because of how significant it is.

From the self-destructive act of intentionally injuring oneself to the liberating victory that follows.

This story's important message is that we should all work toward our own liberation and let our emotions roam free. Let this be the moral of the story for us.

It is only by facing the darkness we have been avoiding and letting go of the terror we have been suppressing that we may genuinely soar.

— The Way of the Wise Owl by Dagmarie Daniels

I invite you to join my Life Coaching program if you're ready to start making positive changes in your life. We'll talk about things like forgiveness, happiness, empowerment, and more, all of which may play a role in helping you reframe your life and find your true calling. Don't be shy; Way of the Wise Owl is a non-profit organization, and your consultation with us will cost you nothing. Let's cross our fingers and hope for a speedy response.

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