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MY WAKE UP CALL: My painful awakening as a result of an abusive relationship....

Updated: Jun 13, 2023


This idea came to me as a result of something that happened in the past. Whenever I thought back to what had happened, I had these feelings all over again.

While I found myself at my lowest, I sought solace in the arms of a dangerous love. A seemingly promising romance ended up being an interminable winter. As the rest of my dignity faded, I allowed myself to get caught up in the vicious perform, oblivious that the toll it was taking on my spirit. A fire of resilience burned inside me, yet like the fabled phoenix, I was prepared to emerge from the ashes.

The morning sun's golden beams flowed through the open draperies. The birds outside whistled a soothing melody, oblivious to the chaos within. I awoke immediately, gasping for air as if I were drowned in water. The remnants of a nightmare lingered in my consciousness, a terrifying reflection of the terrifying abyss into which I had sunk.

Having cried through the night, my eyes felt heavy as I sat up slowly. The battle that had been waged inside me left visible wounds and bruises on my flesh. This morning, though, when I awoke, everything had changed. I felt an immediate feeling of rebellion, a determination to terminate this unhealthy relationship.

Swinging my legs over the bed, my feet met the hard floor. In contrast to the flame that was already raging inside me, the sensation sent shivers up my spine. Shaking with panic, I reached for the dressing gown on the back of the door and put it over my weak body. The fabric served as a shield, protecting me from the ghosts of the past that lingered in the air.

I made another daring step out of my isolation cell. The quiet mutterings of the walls faded into the distance as I moved farther away from the sorrow. My anxiety resonated through my body as I made my way down the rickety steps. Each stride was a test of my will, a reminder of reserves of strength I'd long forgotten I had.

As I went out into the chilly morning air, a gust of wind touched my face, bringing with it the prospect of a new beginning. The sun enveloped the world in its warm embrace, as though in celebration of my reawakening. The flowers seemed to be more alive, the sky appeared to be bluer, and the air smelt like freedom. It was as if the universe had aligned to teach me that there was more to life than the pain I was going through.

I drove away from the house, away from the ghosts that remained there. The way ahead was shrouded in mystery, and its twists and turns were unpredictable. But, for the first time in a long time, I felt some hope. Even though it was little more than a burning feeling, it possessed the potential to kindle a fire that would light the path for me.

In the distance, I could make out a field full of wildflowers, their petals gently swaying in the breeze. Their welcoming hues drew me in and made me want to investigate more. As I wandered among them, I realized that each flower symbolized a step further in my own healing. The roses were a sign of perseverance, with their thorns serving as a continual reminder that strength may be developed in the face of hardship. The delicate petals of the daisies symbolized the beauty that survives even in the face of suffering, and their pleasant smell signified a return to childhood. And the sunflowers, their upward-facing faces a lesson in self-love, comforting me that, despite my circumstances, I, too, could shine brilliantly.

As I progressed,

I chose a single flower from the field because its petals were so soft. It symbolized my freedom and the strength I'd found inside myself. I kept it close by, assuring myself that I wouldn't forget what I'd learned. Although the road ahead was dangerous, I was no longer alone on it. Everything in the universe had come together in its infinite wisdom to assist me in moving toward a brighter future.

As I regained consciousness, I realized that my release from the toxic relationship was more than simply physical; it was also a spiritual rebirth, a resurrection of my true self. I felt confident in my ability to face the long journey and uncertain route ahead. The scars were a reminder of the battles I'd fought and won, as well as a mark of my fortitude in the face of hardship.

So I continued on my journey, my heart racing and my spirit on fire. The early morning light warmed my body and awoke my soul. I'd emerged from hiding, feeling revitalized and ready to face the world. I had the guts to start again, and I was determined not to let my past define me.

With each step, I pushed aside memories of my past wounds and embraced the unknown with fresh zeal. My awakening was only getting started, and with each new day, I'd discover more about the depths of my own resilience, stitching together the pieces of my damaged self. And when the world saw my transformation, they would realize that every night has a dawn, and some of those dawns are stunning.

I invite you to join my Life Coaching program if you're ready to start making positive changes in your life. We'll talk about things like forgiveness, happiness, empowerment, and more, all of which may play a role in helping you reframe your life and find your true calling. Don't be shy; Way of the Wise Owl is a non-profit organization, and your consultation with us will cost you nothing. Let's cross our fingers and hope for a speedy response.

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— The Way of the Wise Owl by Dagmarie Daniels


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