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Shifting Your Perspective: How to Gain Strength by Analyzing and Comparing Different Obstacles

People who know me well are aware of how compassionate and caring I am, and they are aware that I do not have any hatred in my heart against anybody. It has been ten days since we experienced a circumstance that no one should ever have to see, and today marks that 17-day anniversary. Seventeen days ago, a guy chose to jump in our vehicle as we were driving back from a doctor's appointment. I've been so upset over it ever since, and I'm constantly confronted with this circumstance on a daily basis. I am aware that I am resilient and that I am able to get through this, but as I have already said to my husband, I am unable to be strong for him at this time. Despite the fact that he needs my support more than ever, I am unable to be there for him. Instead, I need to get myself out of this bind, I must heal, and I need to make taking care of myself my first priority. It's time to call it an end.

Even though I am the most important person in my life, I feel as if I have the right to be selfish. I have the right to scream, to be angry, and to let it all out in my own space. Knowing that he needs me and worrying about how I can be there for him while I'm emotionally all over the place is a struggle for me. I can't rely on anybody else to help me get over this challenge. I have to do it myself, and I will, just like I have been consistently doing in the past. "I AM STRONG," "I GOT THIS," "I WILL OVERCOME THIS BECAUSE I HAVE FAITH,"BECAUSE I HAVE ALL THE COURAGE WITHIN," "BECAUSE I AM ABLE," and "I HAVE THIS" are all positive affirmations that a person may use to motivate themselves to achieve their goals and definitely are my new mojos at this time.

I always notified my clients that it is OK to think about the past, that it is acceptable to feel sorrow over the past, and that it is acceptable to experience some sort of emotion about the past. However, it is wrong to cling to the past, and it is also wrong to prevent one from living in the present moment and now.

We need to get over our difficulties, we need to take use of our difficulties as learning opportunities, and we need to let go in order to keep moving on.

The fact is that I have been suppressing this, but this challenge is beyond my control, this roadblock already is what it is, and this challenge does not merit any more of my effort. "I let go of what it is that I cannot control."

Even though today's blog entry has already been published, I still am inspired to write on this topic. If we look at our problems objectively, we could realize that others have it much worse. If I have the chance to breathe and open my eyes this morning, I should ask myself why I am holding myself back. "I AM ALIVE" "I HAVE THE STRENGTH WITHIN TO OVERCOME ANY CHALLENGE THAT COMES THIS WAY"

Therefore, I ask that you give this some of your attention and read it carefully since, when compared to the problems and challenges of others, ours are nothing. Therefore, practice gratitude, and make the most of the moment. Always make the most of the time you're in, since the past is already gone and the future is unknowable. To put it another way, the present is what we have control over, and by altering the present, we may create the future of our dreams.

Shifting Your Perspective: How to Gain Strength by Analyzing and Comparing Different Obstacles


Life's numerous challenges test our resilience and perseverance. When facing unfortunate circumstances, it's natural to focus on our own problems and think they're the hardest. However, seeing and learning from others' problems is a terrific approach to learn these things. This article tackles the idea that although we may be going through tough circumstances, others may be going through far worse. Studying others' experiences may help us appreciate our own strengths and advantages, which can lead to a more hopeful view and the perseverance needed to overcome our own obstacles.

Difficulties' Traits

Humans face several challenges. They might be personal, professional, health, relationship, or other issues. These issues may exhaust us emotionally and physically, making us feel powerless. These are the periods when we are most prone to focus on our own problems and mistakenly think they are the most difficult.

Gaining Clarity

To regain perspective, examine others' struggles. We may put our problems in perspective when we meet those in far worse circumstances. It helps in shifting our focus from pity to gratitude and tenacity in the face of hardship.

It helps us go from self-pity to gratitude and tenacity in the face of hardship.

Comparing our problems to others' does not decrease their severity. Every encounter is unique and personal. However, acknowledging that others face more severe circumstances than we do gives us a fresh perspective that helps us tackle our own problems with renewed zeal and devotion.

Studying Others

We may get significant insights by trying to understand the experiences of those who overcame huge challenges. We can learn about their perseverance, coping, and attitude. We may leverage others' experiences to build a toolbox of life hacks.

The courage and perseverance of persons facing significant challenges may also inspire others. It reminds us that the human spirit can overcome seemingly impossible challenges. This newfound motivation may inspire us to overcome our obstacles.

Resilience and Gratitude

Comparing our struggles to those of others might help us appreciate our resources and support networks. Our distinctive strengths and potential become more apparent. Being appreciative shifts our focus from what we lack to what we have, making us more resilient.

Expanding our perspective also reminds us that overcoming barriers is crucial to career and personal success. It encourages us to see setbacks as opportunities for development and self-improvement rather than impediments. Instead of letting problems get us down, we may use them to grow.

Putting Perspective to Work in Everyday Life

Perspective in daily life requires intentional effort. This attitude shift may be done in many ways, including:

1. Empathize with people by learning about their struggles. Empathy deepens our connections and improves our understanding of human experience.

2. Engage with individuals from other cultures and ethnicities to get new perspectives. Exposure to others' challenges increases our worldview.

3. Keep a gratitude journal: Take time each day to reflect on your blessings. This simple activity shifts our focus from problems to advantages.

4. Share your struggles to help others relate to you. It's safe for open dialogue and help.

5. Help others in worse situations than you. Compassion and support help others and remind us of our capacity to change the world.


Even if our issues may appear impossible to overcome, looking at the experiences of others may give us courage and perseverance. When we recognize that others have it worse, we appreciate our own resources and capabilities more. We may overcome our challenges by learning from others, being grateful, and being optimistic. As we face life's challenges, we gain perspective through comparing obstacles. This attitude lets us face the path with bravery, resilience, and gratitude.

I invite you to join my Life Coaching program if you're ready to start making positive changes in your life. We'll talk about things like forgiveness, happiness, empowerment, and more, all of which may play a role in helping you reframe your life and find your true calling. Don't be shy; Way of the Wise Owl is a non-profit organization, and your consultation with us will cost you nothing. Let's cross our fingers and hope for a speedy response.

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— The Way of the Wise Owl by Dagmarie Daniels

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