Throughout the course of this blog, I have written on topics such as self-awareness, self-discovery, self-discipline, and others' selves, and I have also defined what the term "Wholeness" means. Yesterday I wrote a piece on how important it is to have healthy self-esteem, and now I've chosen to write about self. In order for us to have a better grasp of ourselves.
What exactly is the right interpretation of the word "self"?
Self in psychology is the sum of all of an individual's distinguishing qualities, including those that are consciously held as well as those that are unconsciously held, whether mental or physical. The phrase has a variety of applications in the field of psychology, most of which are unrelated to its primary connection to human identity, being, and experience. (“Self”)
The following are some of the definitions of self that can be found in the dictionary:
Your self is your fundamental essence or personality, particularly when thought of in terms of what you are like in terms of who you truly are as a person. (Self Definition)
The core of a person's being is their self, which is the aspect of their nature that differentiates them from other people and from the rest of the world.
Let's talk about the different components that make up the concept of self-right now. If you look at the illustration to the right, you'll see that there are four parts to the concept of self. Yesterday, I wrote a blog post about self-esteem; if you want to learn more about it, click on this link. In this post, I will merely identify the components and provide a brief description of each of them. In a later post, I will add to the blog a guide that details each of the components individually.
Self-Concept - In the field of psychology that deals with the study of the self, a person's self-concept is a collection of beliefs about themselves; it is also known as self-construction, self-identity, self-perspective, or self-structure. In most cases, a person's self-concept may be defined as their response to the question, "Who am I?" The degree to which an individual's knowledge about themselves is defined, consistent, and presently relevant to their attitudes and dispositions is what we call self-awareness, which is distinct from self-concept. (“Self-concept - Wikipedia”) When we talk about Self-concept according to psychology is descriptive and cognitive, meanwhile self-esteem is more about opinions or ourselves and they tend to be evaluative. Self-schemas are what make up self-concept, which in turn comes into contact with our self-knowledge, self-esteem, and the social role to form the entirety of an individual's sense of who they are. It contains the past, the present, and the future selves of a person, with the future selves (also known as potential selves) representing an individual's notions of what they could become in the future, what they would want to become in the future, or what they fear becoming in the future. It is possible that possible selves serve as motivations for certain behaviors.
Self-Knowledge - A person's self-knowledge is the sum of their experiences and insights that help them answer the question, "What am I like?" in their own words. Knowledge of oneself, or the self-concept more precisely, is one of the components that make up the self. An individual's self-concept is formed in part by his or her knowledge of and interest in learning more about him or herself and their attributes. Through self-awareness, we learn about the mental representations we have of ourselves, including the characteristics we most strongly associate with ourselves and our hypotheses about the stability or changeability of these characteristics across time.
Self-Esteem - A person's perception of their own value and worth is what is meant by the term "self-esteem." It is also related to the sensations that individuals experience as a direct result of their perception of whether or not they are worthy of anything. The degree to which a person values himself is a significant factor in the decisions and choices. Check this link for detail information about self-esteem
Social Self – The term "social self" refers to how we see ourselves in the context of our interactions with other people. It entails empathizing with others, communicating, and creating relationships with them. Your capacity to achieve your life objectives and your total mental well-being will be influenced not just by how healthy or unhealthy your social self is. Check out this link if you want to have a better grasp on the subject of the social self, which I highly suggest you do.
Now that you have a better knowledge of yourself, let's begin delving deep into you to see how your self is operating at this point in time. In order for us to be Whole, it is essential that all of the components that come from our self as well as the components that come from wholeness come together. It is essential that you begin the process of rewriting your life narrative if you ever want to reach the point in your life when you can have all that you desire. Why is this the case? The purpose of rewriting your life is to better comprehend who you are and the factors that have contributed to the person you have become. If we let the circumstances around us to decide who we are, how we should behave, how we should respond, and even how we should communicate, then our lives will begin to spiral out of control. We are all one-of-a-kind individuals, each with our own set of ideas, feelings, and capacities for intellect. When we've reached the point where we know we need to dig into the WHY of our current situation, we've entered the state of reflective analysis. This is the point at which we need to take a step back and examine the WHY. If you feel the urge to go further into who you are, allow me to assist you in determining what it is that is holding you back. Sometimes, as individuals, we truly allow events get out of hand, which may cause us to get concerned or frightened, or even start trying to find a solution to an issue that is not even ours. Also, we have a habit of clinging to our circumstances and desiring to return to the way things were in the past, despite the fact that we are aware that these circumstances will not remain the same in the future and that we must learn to adjust to them and focus on the present moment in order to achieve our goals.
I would appreciate it if you could remain tuned, as I am now working on the Transforming My Life Narrative workshop, which covers themes such as the impacts on one's upbringing, one's hobbies and abilities, and a great deal more information. I have no idea at this point if this class will be held online or in a physical venue where all of us can meet, speak, and learn together.
“Self-concept - Wikipedia.” Self-concept - Wikipedia, 1 Nov. 2022,
Mcleod, Saul. “Self Concept - Simply Psychology.” Self Concept - Simply Psychology,
“Self.” APA Dictionary of Psychology, Accessed 17 Feb. 2023.
Self Definition. Accessed 17 Feb. 2023.
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— The Way of the Wise Owl by Dagmarie Daniels